Benton Goes Cyber

Benton Goes Cyber

by Amber Hughes

All  situations have pros and cons. Naturally, there is a heavy debate as to whether online school is really the best option for students. Personally, I love cyber school, but for many, online school seems to be less than ideal. 

Waking up and completing assignments in the morning allowed me to have more free time in the month of December. I enjoy submitting assignments at my own pace. I can drink coffee on zoom and eat meals when I am hungry instead of scheduled times. 

However, some students feel completely different. Bad wifi, at home distractions, and disorganization are just a few struggles students face everyday. It seems as though elementary students have it the worst. I can not imagine learning grammar or even long division virtually. My attention span at 6 years old was so short, there is no way I would have succeeded. 

One common agreement across the board is that we all miss human contact. The district's attempt at in person school this year was not the same as normal school at all. Although our staff did the best they could and we had it better than most schools, at the end of the day, many of us developed negative feelings towards attending school each day. Wearing a mask 6 hours a day and social distancing takes out almost all the fun you have at school. 

I have gained a lot of respect for teachers and parents trying their best. We all appreciate all the hardwork and effort it takes to put together online assignments each week. Students have learned responsibility in a way no one could have imagined. Logging into meetings each week and keeping up with assignments every week can be very challenging.